Editing: blog task
The following scene is from Shaun of the Dead (directed by Edgar Wright) Edgar Wright has a history of editing his videos in a very specific way whether it be through unique movement transitions or an extreme use of match on action, the following scene uses different movements to transition to different areas and dialogues. The scene begins with the two main characters talking about a girl in their garden, the editing is quite standard from here, quick cuts that follow the 180 degree rule; from there the camera movement and editing begins to change. One example is the increased amount of movements in the shots e.g. when the two main characters first enter the garden the camera begins to move from the right to the left, followed by a change in audio; these two combined helps to make the tension begin the scene. The shaky camera makes the scene feel more realistic and less static, this helps the scene retain its comedic quality. Later on in the scene Wright uses quick movements...