Film & TV Language: Cinematography clip analysis

Create a new blogpost on your Media 2 coursework blog called 'Cinematography final blog tasks'. Then, while logged in to a school computer, go to the Media Shared drive > A Level > Resources > Film and TV Language and watch the clips in the Cinematography folder.

1) Using your printed booklet (an electronic copy is available in the folder above) watch any of the clips you haven't seen in class for Cinematography. Complete the tasks in the booklet in full paragraphs for each clip.

Clip 2:

i) The use of close ups throughout the clips lets the audience develop a connection with both the child you see in the beginning of the video and the young man that witnesses the accident neat the end of the clip. Also at the end of clip the extreme close-up of the persons eye helps you understand the confusion that the person is feeling and the possible trauma 

ii) As mentioned before the extreme close up of the persons eyes helps to show the victims shock and confusion.

Clip 3:

i) not only is the camera shaky but the camera also continuously changes from different perspectives through the use of fast paced editing, this helps create tension and excitement

ii) the different shot lengths are used in order to help show where the characters are e.g. the behind the scenes crew are all shown through medium and close shots, this is used to help build tension.

Clip 4:

i) The dolly shots are used to add motion to the video, this added motion helps creates even more excitement and tension to help with the setting, dialogue and the previous events in the show.

ii) The camera in the show slowly moves upwards, this is done in order to show that the main character clay, is now beginning to become more dominant and less of a pushover by filming him from a higher angle and filming the others from a lower angle.

Clip 5

i) There are a significant amount of long winding and slow moving shots, this may have been done in order to show that fantasy nature of Citizens kane's main character.

ii) The slow paced editing of the film helps to further enhance the fantasy atmosphere the different shots provide.

Clip 6

i) the camera movements help the audience understand the nature of the film through the use of long shots to help establish the setting of the film.

ii) The cinematography with the editing helps make the film seem more chaotic, the constant fade ins and outs also helps with this as it shows the passage of time. The choppy slow motion along with the other forms of cinema language also adds on to this effect. 


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