Coursework: Print magazine research and planning

1) Research magazine cover key conventions. Look over the magazine cover key conventions notes sheet and write which of these you will use for your magazine cover.

  • Title of publication 
  • Slogan
  • Central Image
  • Coverline 
  • Colour scheme
  • Bar code

2) Find at least five culture magazine front covers (either current or former magazines) aimed at a similar target audience to your project (adults interested in popular culture). For each one, pick out one design idea that you could use in your own print work. Some examples you may wish to look at include the Guardian Guide, Sunday Times Culture magazine, Time Out, The Face, the Radio Times, Aesthetica, the move and Paper:

the_move magazine 
Issue 4


`Image result for culture magazine"

The Rolling stones

Image result for Rolling Stone"

3) Find at least three contents pages from culture, lifestyle or music magazines on Google images. How are contents pages designed? How do they use a combination of text and images to create an effective design?

Image result for Culture (magazine) content page"

By Culture, this magazine content page does a good job of getting the readers attention by having a main figure be so attention grabbing 

Image result for Rolling stone  (magazine) content page"

By Rolling Stone, the content page here features multiple individuals that will feature within the magazine, an incentive for readers to keep on reading the magazine.

Image result for Paper (magazine) content page"

By GQ, the one thing this content page does well is the maintaining of aesthetic. The images and the writing isn't set out in a uniform way, it is instead placed in a way that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to read.

4) Find at least three double-page spread features from culture, lifestyle or music magazines on Google images. How are they designed? How are text and images displayed? What design tricks can you borrow from your examples?

Image result for Paper (magazine) double-page spread"

By runway magazine, this double page spread also does aesthetic really well. Minimalist text, pose and colour helps to sell that established aesthetic.

Image result for Culture  (magazine) double-page spread

By Billboard double, this double paged spread does a good job of grabbing the attention of the reader and solidifies what the magazine is about, music. The direct stare is also helpful to keep the reader interested. 

Image result for Rolling stone (magazine) double-page spread"

By Rolling Stones, this double spread acts the exact same as the one above, only difference is that the aesthetic is very similar to the overall aesthetic of the Rolling Stones brand

5) Read at least three example features from newspapers and magazine to learn the format, writing style and content for a culture magazine. You may wish to use the following to help you:


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