Mise-en-scene Coursework


The costume will be pretty basic, but effort will be made to have most of the main characters wearing pretty much the same colour range of black, grays, whites, reds and dark greens. The main characters (me) will be wearing a long coat for most of the shots a long with a black jumper for most of the shots. The most defining item will be the black mask the main villain will be wearing for most of the shots in the trailer. Other than that the costume will remain quite normal.


The lighting will be mostly natural lighting. Instances of top down lighting will be used but very sparingly to the main villain to further show his aggressive and dark nature. chiaroscuro lighting will be utilised.


The main actor of the drama will be me. The main villain will be Andi and a reoccurring actor will be Zayna, acting as the main characters wife only appearing to the main character in moments of extreme stress. There will be several other unnamed characters that will appear as either goons or as other police officers.

Make up:

Not much is to be said about makeup, it will remain quite natural throughout the show, with maybe instances of light damage being shown on the main characters face in the form of bruises or small cuts. 


Suspect files and fake guns will be used in the show. Other than that the main characters phone will also be quite important to the show as it's the main way in which the villain and main character interact. Other than those , there aren't any especially special props that are going to be used.


Jubalie park will play an integral part in the show will multiple shots being filmed there, other than that rectory park, a local ally way, the drama studio. There will also be scenes shot within 2 cars in harrow and possibly within Ealing as well. As can be inferred by the locations mentioned, a slight majority of the shots being filmed will be shot outside in the morning/early afternoon, with only few shots being filmed at night.


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