Preliminary plan

Political crime drama 

Altered Carbon trailer:

  • Narratively my planned TV drama is quite different, but the aesthetic of altered carbon is quite similar 
  • That is the only major inspiration/similarity 

Top Boy:

  • Entropy will follow a similar setting
  • The method of filming will also be very similar to the Top Boy, adopting similar angles 
  • The lighting will also be quite reminiscent as well


  • The German drama follows a similar surreal atmosphere that I’m going to try and have in my trailer
  • The choice in music is also quite surreal, I may use that in mine

Shot no
Room- Top angle
Follows movement to door
Hallway, follow to stairs 
Behind shot, walking down- following shot again  
Static shot of street 
Amir opens door and walks out, behind- following
Cuts back to static shot of street, Amir walks through house door 
Behind shot of the Amir walking down street 
Shot of figure opposite side of street 
Cuts closer to the figures face- still long shot
Close up of Amir reacting subtly 
Continues walking down
Side shot of Amir with different figures staring at him
Shot of street light, pans down to Amir walking to shop
Side shot within the shop of him walking down isle
Behind shot, figures still staring 
Turns around- close up of reaction 
Cuts home- out of breath, medium shot- Amir walks into living room fast 
Lights cut- blue light from kitchen- figure standing outside kitchen door 
Cuts to behind shot of Amir, follows to kitchen where he picks up a knife 
Cuts to garden, low or high angle of Amir walking outside
Door closes, figure now inside 
Amir looks at figure in horror, hands grab Amir
Amir wakes up- static medium to long shot 


Dialogue is within Amirs head- the scene takes places slightly further into show, where the main characters mental battle begins to worsen. The scene is also a dream sequence.

Night - INT- Cold

AMIR: *He stands in a darken room with a single blue light illuminating him against the laminated floor, he stares blankly in front of him, he slowly looks to his left and begins to walk*

ENTROPY: *His voice begins to resonate from within AMIR's head
"You could have never saved her, you never had the strength"

AMIR: *Continues to walk down the hallway, he makes his way down to his front door, not reacting to ENTROPY's words.

ENTROPY: "You could have joined us, you could have BECAME one of us, but you refused"

*Amir keeps walking, now with the words having an effect on him*

AMIR: "Get OUT of my head"


ENTROPY: "We are one but the same, Amir. They see our minds as weakness, as faults; But what we see, is salvation, what we see is the truth"
AMIR begins to walk down his street, his hands in his pockets and with his hood on, he begins to make his way to the local shops.

AMIR: "We are nothing alike, you're a psychopath"

ENTROPY: "We have both done what we think for the better good, have you not killed in name of righteousness? We are both but sides of the same coin"

AMIR continues to walk untill he finds a strange figure looking at him the other side of the road, he's wearing a mask as black as the night sky, his stare and focus onto AMIR makes him uncomfortable, AMIR continues to walk 

ENTROPY: "The slaving of the working class built the roads you walk on, the buildings you sleep in. This city was built on the blood of the less fortunate. The options are laid out before you, this city will burn, with or without your help AMIR, salvation will always prevail, the truth will always be found.

Amir continues to walk towards the shop, the number of people staring at him wearing the black mask increases, the lighting begins to yellow, AMIRS breathing gets harder, his actions more irate. He races into the local shop to get away from the almost crowd that's forming. After entering he begins to calm down slightly, he travels down the isle only to have the figures there, staring at him.


Cuts to AMIR slamming his front door shut, clearly out of breath from trying to get away from the figures that were following him
The lights turn off.

ENTROPY:"Too long have we stayed in the shadows, too long have we had our livelihoods taken from us, for too long has society been tainted by the lies of our supposed leaders, our rebirth can only be done in fire, we can only build once we have destroyed. There will be salvation, there will be entropy."

Amir begins to walk towards the living room, as he looks to his right he says a blue light illuminating the kitchen with a figure standing outside the kitchen door. Frustrated and tired of this, he goes out to confront the individual 

As AMIR walks out side the figure disappears, leaving AMIR by himself, the door shuts with the figure now inside, staring at AMIR.

ENTROPY: "There will be salvation"

Hands from behind AMIR grab him and cover his mouth.


AMIR wakes up from his dream,he sits up in a sweat, looking around. He reaches for his medicine on the bedside table. His phone begins to ring, he picks it up.


Indistinguishable voice replies back

AMIR: "He's made another appearance? Ill be there in 20"



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