
Showing posts from November, 2019

Coursework: Preliminary exercise feedback and LR

1) Type up your teacher's feedback  in full  plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class. Wasn't played in front of class. The basic feedback was that it did not meet the brief due to multiple reasons, Concept was good but make sure there is more filmed content in there rather than just using secondhand footage. 2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write  three  WWW bullet points and  three  EBI bullet points for your TV drama scene. www: Good concept well paced good use of audio EBI: Need more own filmed footage needs to meet the brief not long enough 3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your mini preliminary exercise  statement of intent ? Core elements of what was written in the statement of intent is there but there wasn't enough of it. I feel like keeping it more realistic is important, a chang...

Mise-en-scene Coursework

Costume: The costume will be pretty basic, but effort will be made to have most of the main characters wearing pretty much the same colour range of black, grays, whites, reds and dark greens. The main characters (me) will be wearing a long coat for most of the shots a long with a black jumper for most of the shots. The most defining item will be the black mask the main villain will be wearing for most of the shots in the trailer. Other than that the costume will remain quite normal. Lighting: The lighting will be mostly natural lighting. Instances of top down lighting will be used but very sparingly to the main villain to further show his aggressive and dark nature. chiaroscuro lighting will be utilised. Actors The main actor of the drama will be me. The main villain will be Andi and a reoccurring actor will be Zayna, acting as the main characters wife only appearing to the main character in moments of extreme stress. There will be several other unnamed characters th...

Media Coursework Plan

Media course work plan: Shot no Description  filmed 1 Standing mid shot-ext-slow zoom 2 Ground shot-shoe level-steps on cig 3 Standing shot-wide-old tree-slow zoom in 4 OTS shot of tree- Jubaliee 5 Shot from within tree - Hole within tree 6 Abids Merc - road shot  7 Inside Abids merc 8 Jubaliee park - Bench  9 Skyline shot of london  10 Running shot down bridge/alleyway  11 Rectory park, forrest  12 Dark Room LED shot- Nida’s room 13 Confrontation shot- Rectory  14 Falling down tracking shot-rectory 15 Waking up shot - Nida’s room 16 Jubaliee shot-bench-dialogue  17 Ashgrove street - night - mid shot- walking down - behind 18 Ashgrove street - night - mid shot walking down - front 19 OTS shot- A street- night 20 Long shot of a person standing on other side of street 21 Close up of person on otherside  23 Gang shot- all...