Film Industry: Assessment learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: Excellent response to Q3. very well informed and expressed
EBI: Make a direct response to Hesmondhalgh or other theorists 

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the three questions: _/2; _/4; _/9.

Q1 1/2
Q2 4/4
Q3 8/9

3) For Question 2 on Chicken, use the mark scheme to identify at least one strategy used to promote Chicken to an audience that you didn't mention in your answer. The key lesson from this question was to make specific reference to the CSP in your answer.

Small arthouse cinema release followed by digital distribution
Traditional marketing: film poster, trailer, review quotes etc.
4) Now look at Question 3. Using the mark scheme as a guide, write a paragraph arguing that it is NOT important for the British film industry to make social-realist films like Chicken and that it should concentrate on making bigger-budget movies funded by Hollywood studios.

Due to the British film industries history of producing purely social realist and niche films, it's resulted in a significant restriction is the British film industry's ability to help fund young talent (like Joe Stephenson, who had find funding privately) to create content that can help push the British film industry onto an international stage. The British film industry should begin to focus on making Large scale high budget, profit oriented movies to help build the British film industry economy. 
5) Finally, cover the other side of the debate. Write a paragraph arguing that it IS important for the British film industry to make social-realist films like Chicken and that such films contribute strongly to the social and cultural influence of the industry. You may also consider how they should be funded here. Use the mark scheme to help you with this.

Coming from an economic view point, the British film industry almost entirely relies on niche films to gain international traction as their main source of income, social realist films tend to be cheaper to make than alien invasions or greek god epics; so for an industry with a budget of a fraction of the size of their american counter parts, it's almost perfect; of course although, distribution and promotion tend to become more and more difficult to do the smaller the budget is; that does not mean although that it is entirely impossible to do so.


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