The impact of new/digital media on TV: blog task

1) What does the 'industry' concept in A Level Media Studies refer to?

Industry stands for the different media-related businesses and companies that produce media texts  
2) What does David Hesmondhalgh argue with regards to how the creative industries have changed since the 1980s?

Hesmondhalgh argues that creative industries are slowly becoming more important, becoming the center of economic action; along with this, he also does believe that due to digitisation, the technology sector is slowly overlapping the traditional media sector.
3) Choose the three most significant points Hesmondhalgh makes regarding the changing cultural industries. Why are these the most significant in your view?


Globalisation/digitisation combined has resulted in easy access for media texts on an international level e.g. foreign dramas on Netflix is a common thing, this was only possible due to the introduction of foreign tv through globalization


Along with globalistaion, Digitisation played a major part with the easily accesible content internationally, main examples of this are the continuous rise of streaming services such as Netflix and amazon prime. Easy access and binging led to the success of this form of watching.

Niche Audiences:

Highbrow/Niche media texts are becoming increasingly targeted, and easily available due to digitisation, making viewers drawn to this kind of content more confident that they'll find something they like.
4) What is technological convergence? 

Technological convergence is the process of content and media texts being present on every computer, making other companies more incline to become media companies. 

5) How are technology companies challenging traditional broadcasters in the TV industry?

Netflix (not a Tech company by the traditional sense) has a vast amount of content available on demand for a relatively cheap amount, what this leads to is a gradual decline in TV viewership

6) What budgets will Netflix, Amazon and Apple spend on original programming next year according to the article?

Netflix plans to spend $8bn, Amazon plans to spend $4.5Bn while apple plans to spend $1Bn

7) How many countries are Netflix and Amazon available in?

In total, Netflix is available in 190 countries while amazon on the other hand is available in 200 countries

8) The global nature of modern television means producers are having to consider international audiences when creating content. What example from Netflix does the article use to explain this?

Netflix gives the example of the demogorgan from their show stranger things; a character which is commonly known around the world from the hit board game, Dungeons and dragons. Winona Rider, an actress who has performed in dubbed movies and shows before. 

9) Do you think technology companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon will increase their interest in the television industry?

I think that companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon will continue to increase their budgets and interests in the Television industry due to the fact that Netflix has quite clearly shown the world that there is a market for on demand T.V; any company to not capitalise on that is foolish. 

10) How do changes in technology influence the creation of TV dramas such as Capital orDeutschland 83? How?

I believe how the show is presented will change from the traditional process of having a show come on weekly, to the binge culture we see today e.g. D83 is a binge able show in the sense that all the episodes are available. 


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