Mise-en-scene blog task

Costume: The characters within the frame are all wearing either linen cloth or armour, this shows two things, first that the main characters are from a medieval era, most movies from a different genre or time zone would generally not use this style of dressing. Their costumes also show that they are prepared or preparing for physical conflict, something that is common in these kinds of movies.
Lighting: The scene uses low key lighting, this creates an ominous and serious tone within the frame, the use of backlights along with the angle in which the shot was taken shows the viewers that something intimidating and dangerous is coming.
Actors (Placement): The actors within the frame are placed in a synchronised battle formation giving the viewers a feeling of coordination and a feeling of trust between the figures. The fact that they all have their weapons drawn and are looking directly towards the camera adds to the feeling that something intimidating and dangerous is coming.
Makeup: Although difficult to make out, it is easy to assume that the figures within the frame have dirtied makeup on, this is apparent due to the setting and time period they're in
Props: The props the figures are holding add to the effect that they're about to have a battle, creating a serious and intense tone within the frame.
Setting: The setting looks to be a very large old room that has been destroyed or has not been taken care of, in the back there is a very large door which is the main source of the lighting for the scene. The room. Due to the massive amounts of paper filling the room, it looks like the room may have previously been a library due to the substantial amount of parchment and paper littered on the floor, this fact supports the idea that the characters are on a journey and that they were searching for something in the room.
Lighting: This scene primarily uses high key lighting as the characters and setting are dimly lit up, but the scene also uses aspects of low key lighting as the creator chose to use shadows to show the dinginess of the setting
Actors: Will Smiths character is placed in the front near the shooting range to demonstrate his skills, he's surrounded by over a dozen of well placed less important figures dressed in authoritative clothing, the director has chosen to do this purposefully to make the viewers know how dangerous Will Smiths character truly is and to also show his importance.
Makeup: Most of the figures are wearing clean makeup but Will Smiths character has a more scratchy and dirty appearance than the others, this shows the viewers that the prison is a hard place and that Will Smiths character nay have been mistreated during his time there.
Props: Majority of the figures in the scene are using gun props in the movie, this is used to show that they have authority over Will Smiths character.
Setting: The majority of the scene takes place in a prison. Due to the tall grey walls and the rain, it creates a feeling hopelessness and sorrow. Since the viewers know that this place is a high-security prison, it also gives the viewers the feeling that the scene takes place in a very serious and dreadful place.
Costume: In the scene above most of the main characters are dressed in formal, and relatively outdated clothing, this shows the viewers that the main characters are not only in the past, but they are also well dressed and well mannered (most of the time), Sherlocks clothing has been bloodied and ripped in some parts from a previous scene in the movie, this shows that Sherlock is pain or is injured and the fact that he is still running with those injuries shows how determined he is to get out of that situation. Many of the soldiers Sherlock is running from are dressed in completely dressed in black attire, this gives the soldiers a sense of military authority.
Lighting: The lighting used in this scene is primarily high key lighting throughout the scene, but even with this style of lighting the setting and characters are given a grim effect.
Actors: Throughout the scene, the main actors are running in an un-synchronised manner through the woods, the way they have been placed and the way they run shows the viewer a sense of desperation and chaos, you can see that the main characters are desperate to get out of the situation.
Makeup: The main characters in the movie all have dirtied makeup on whilst running through the woods, this shows that they have recently come out of a difficult situation. But once Hansel the large shell hits the woods near the main characters, their makeup changes more drastically as their cuts and wounds from the explosion become quite clear, open blood begins to cover their faces showing the power from the large shell.
Props: The main characters in this scene don't use many props until later on the scene where the soldiers catch up with them. The actors that mainly carry the weapons are the soldiers that chase the main characters. They mainly use guns as their props, the guns add to the effect of authority the soldiers already have with their costumes. The large cannon like contraption they use near the end of the scene is incredibly large and powerful, this strengthens the viewers understanding of how powerful the main characters weaponry actually is.
Setting: The scene takes place in a snowy woods in Germany. The snow along with the black and grey colours that make up most of the surrounding areas in the scene add a very bleak and something that works very well with what is going on, as the chase ensues the scenery changes from relatively natural to an active battleground, due to this a feeling of excitement is created along with a feeling stress to see what is going to happen next.
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