D83 textual analysis

Type up your analysis from the lesson using the headings below. You may want to watch the key scenes again and develop your notes in further detail - the more specific and memorable your analysis, the better it will serve you when writing an essay on TV drama. Remember, you can watch the episode for free on the All 4 website and the main reading and research tasks for Deutschland 83 are on this case study blog post here.

Scene 1: Garden/BBQ scenes (East & West Germany)
4.58 – 8.20 and 34.00 – 37.20

West Germany:

Technical codes

  • Camerawork:
    • A lot of circling- creates tension 
    • helps emphasize the idea he is a spy
  • No music playing only muttered dialogue 
    • Makes it seem more business and cold
  • Richer party compared to the east could be a message about capitalism 
East Germany:

  • Camerawork:
    • A lot of circling- creates a welcoming feeling, possibly due to the environment and situation 
    • Seems more welcoming 
  • Party music playing 
    • Helps to show the friendly environment, even though he's in a hostile environment
    • Seem's like a more comfortable environment. Does not seem like it's purely business. 

Scene 2: Martin/Moritz first sees the West German supermarket 
14.30 – 20.25

Make notes under the following headings:

Technical codes 

  • Camerawork
    • Slow following shots, most likely done to show his amazement/shock at the abundance of food.
    • The camera keeps pretty far from martin, done to show his isolation and the economic power of the west

Audio codes – particularly music

  • The song Sweet dreams is used here 
    • Used for nostalgia 
    • Deeper meaning - "they want to use you" a direct reference to Martin being used by the east
  • The audio is kept realistic and diegetic 

Representation of East & West Germany / Communism & Capitalism / Historical accuracy

  • Shows the economic power of capitalism 
  • Although the scene itself was unrealistic, the message of power it portrays is.

Scene 3: Training montage scene when Martin/Moritz learns how to be a spy
20.40 – 22.40

Make notes under the following headings:

Technical codes – particularly camerawork and editing

  • Montage editing
    • Juxtaposing of east and west items, binary opposites 
    • fast-paced, reminiscent of spy films 
    • Almost comedy element to it 
    • Rocky inspired?
    • Helps the audience understand that time is passing 

Audio codes

  • Upbeat music to match the montage
  • Again quite similar to the Rocky films 
  • The music along with the video shows that time is passing

Audience pleasures

  • The pleasure is diversion and is purely visual and audio
    • Means that there is no underlying message to understand, just fun to watch 


  • Spy film style of editing and audio
  • multiple brands present from the west, and their eastern counterparts 

Scene 4: Briefcase scene when Martin/Moritz is stealing the NATO nuclear plans
31.13 – 33.30

Make notes under the following headings:

Technical codes – particularly camerawork and editing

  • Surveillance like footage
    • From corners of rooms, through windows
      • Makes it seem like Martin is being watched, a convention of spy films 
    • creates tension 
Audio codes – diegetic and non-diegetic sound

  • Sound used well
    • Loud and quiet sounds used together to make it seem as if he's alone and scarred 
      • Also makes it seem like he's going to be caught 
    • Footsteps used to make it seem like there are people everywhere
  • Creates tension 


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