Show Pitch - Entropy

Title: Entropy 

Tagline: Disorders Embrace 

Genre (and sub-genre/hybrid genre if applicable): Crime/political/psychological  

Setting (note brief – at least two locations):
  • Jubilee Park
  • Channa Chemist 
  • Rectory Park
  • Allenby Road

Number of episodes:
10, 2 seasons 

Channel and time/day of broadcast (note brief – prime-time, pre-watershed, family audience):

pre watershed PG 12/12A Around 7-8 Pm

Logline – one sentence that sums up the whole TV drama series and hooks people in (25 words or

Following the life of a retired police investigator trying to stop the total crash of London and the UK

Other successful TV dramas that are similar to yours:

The following:
The show will follow a narrative and lead that is quite similar to kevin bacon in The Following

Stranger things:
The colour grading will be quite similar to this show

Narrative arc – what happens in the overall series and in what order:

A notorious gang leader (who is on the mentally unstable side of the spectrum) believes that London is impure, so he begins flooding the streets with a synthetic hallucinogenic in attempts to purge the minds of the people and draw them to their “Cause”, it proves to be far more dangerous than previously thought before due to it being incredibly addictive and now also contagious; it threatens the shutdown of London, and in turn the UK. The main character and the gang leader were childhood friends, hence the tense relationships and why he was chosen to track the antagonist. Throughout the narrative of the show, the main protagonist and the metropolitan police find themselves being stopped or hindered by “ones at the top” (symbolising the elite) resulting the main characters having to go “underground” to find out what’s going on. At the end of the narrative, it’s revealed that the gang was apart of a larger cult of the elite from state leaders to bankers and military generals, acting as a very extreme commentary about the marxist belief of the bourgeoisie attempting to control the working class, the political nature of the show will also be further cemented with the nature of governance being constantly mentioned by the main antagonist and the protagonists own personal internal and external conflict with his superiors.

Episodic narratives – what will happen in each episode?
  1. The first episode will show the prior relationship in brief, also showing the current mental state of the main character- he will then be convinced and called in to the force where he finds out that there's been a new drug introduced in ealing, from there the gradual effect of the drug begins
Episodes 2-5 is the chase, in the chase the identity of the main villain is discovered over a week period, the effect of the drug in London has become seen as an epidemic. The main antagonist then begins to threaten to release his entire supply in london; resulting in the complete destruction of the London population and UK economy. Main characters mental stability then begins to deteriorate
Episodes 5-9 then follow an episode represent a day format. Meaning that the narrative is continuous with each episode, each episode starting where the last one ended. Stakes get even higher as society begins to break down visibly, time is running out but they get a final location of the main antagonist
Final episode follows right after episode 9, end of episode 9 the authorities find out that they have 12 hours till they release their entire supply. With stakes at its highest the main characters find the antagonist, the villain being mentally unstable, he forces the main protagonists hand and forces him to shoot him. It’s there the main character finds out the villain was apart of a syndicate of gang leaders. Terrorists and elite of society who all belong to a cult of sorts, revealing a deep root of corruption in UK politics and possibly in the world, setting up for season 2

Main protagonist – their motivation, conflicts etc.:

Motivation: His wife was killed in a case linked to this gang, resulting in severe mental issues (Anxiety, depression and PTSD; all of which will be shown in the show, but in an artistic manner with lighting and dream sequences) 
Main antagonist was his childhood friend, making this even more personal 

Other characters, their narrative role and their audience appeal:

Won't play a physical role, but will only appear in moments of psychological turmoil for the main character 

Villain- Gang Leader:
Will be a Joker type in mannerism and appearance (not as extreme as the Joker)

Target audience for your TV drama (note brief – family audience, pre-watershed broadcast etc.):
age, gender, social class, interests, psychographic groups etc.

While suitable for a family audience (Due to no explicit violence, or language) it’s mainly aimed for 12A (Same rating as the Dark Knight) 

Aimed for mid teens, targeted at both genders. Elements of spy films with a larger than life gritty superhero atmosphere. 

Aimed at middle/upper middle due to the significant political commentary that will be present throughout the show.

Aspirers/Explorers mainly.


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